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Annual Declaration of Compliance (ADC)

Updated: Jul 1, 2024


It’s that time of the year again.  Time to prepare and submit your Annual Declaration of Compliance (ADC). This blog aims to guide you through the preparation and submission of your ADC, ensuring you meet the requirements outlined under the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 and the Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations.

Understanding the ADC Process

The ADC is a mandatory requirement for all RTOs, serving as a self-assessment and reporting tool to confirm your ongoing compliance with the standards and conditions of registration. It's not only a regulatory obligation but also an opportunity to reflect on your practices, systems, and processes, identifying areas for improvement.

Step 1: Ensure Accurate and Current Records

Before you embark on the ADC process, it's imperative to ensure that all your records with ASQA are current and accurate. This involves:

Checking Records on Asqanet:

  • Is the information listed on Asqanet, ASQA's online portal correct?

Updating Incorrect Records:

  • Have you made any necessary corrections through the ASQAnet portal?

Step 2: Conduct an Assessment of Compliance

This step is not just about ticking boxes; it's an in-depth evaluation of how well your RTO aligns with the required standards and where it can improve. Here’s a detailed guide on how to effectively execute this step:

Using ASQA’s Self-Assessment Tool: Leverage this tool to evaluate your compliance with legislative requirements. It's designed to guide you through various criteria, helping you identify areas where your RTO meets or falls short of the required standards.

Training and Assessment Strategies:

  • Have the TAS documents undergone an annual review?

  • Was the industry involved in the annual review of the TAS?

  • Is there a TAS for each learner cohort with training tailored to learner needs?

  • Does each TAS align with the requirements of training packages or accredited courses? E.g. assessor requirements, conditions of assessment, resources needed

Quality of Delivery:

  • Have you completed an annual Course Review? Have you documented where changes are needed?

  • Are the delivery methods appropriate? Refer to student, trainer and industry feedback.

  • Are the materials and resources used for training and assessment appropriate? Refer to student, trainer and industry feedback.

  • Are your student completion and retention rates satisfactory?

Assessor Qualifications:

  • Were all trainer credentials authenticated? Is this documented?

  • Do you have evidence of industry and vocational currency for all trainers?

  • Do you have evidence of completed VET PD for all trainers?

  • Does each trainer have an annual PD plan in place?

  • Do you have a signed and dated 2024 CV for all trainers?

Validation of Assessment Tools:

  • Were all new assessment tools and learning materials validated prior to use?

  • Is there a Validation Schedule in place? Has it been followed?

  • Were a statistically significant number of validations completed in accord with the schedule?

Governance and Administration:

  • Financial Viability: Have you reviewed the RTO's financial management practices to ensure ongoing viability?

  • Record Keeping: have you completed an internal audit /data integrity check to confirm that student records, course delivery records, and staff records are systematically maintained and secure?

  • Staff Professional Development: are there planned professional development opportunities in place for staff to maintain industry relevance and vocational competence?

Regulatory Compliance and Continuous Improvement:

  • ASQA Notifications and Reporting: did you lodge all required notifications on time? E. g VET Student Data, Quality Indicators

  • If applicable, have you notified ASQA regarding significant changes, events, or incidents, including changes in ownership, management, or location?

  • Continuous Improvement: do you have a continuous improvement schedule in place to regularly gather and review feedback from students, staff, and other stakeholders?

  • Can you show how you use this information to improve training and assessment services?

  • Is the Continuous Improvement Register up to date and accurate?

Compliance with Quality Standards:

  • Do you have a schedule of internal audits and compliance activities in place?

  • Has the RTO undertaken a risk management audit?

  • Partnerships and Subcontracting: If applicable, have you monitored the compliance and quality of training and assessment delivered through third-party arrangements?

Marketing Operations:

  • Have all the marketing materials, including websites and brochures, been reviewed to ensure that they accurately represent the services offered and do not mislead prospective students?

Reflecting on RTO Practices

Use this process to reflect deeply on your RTO's practices, systems, and processes. To go beyond mere compliance. Where you have answered ‘No’ to a question highlights this as an area where you can improve. What best practices can you adopt to enhance your service quality?

Step 3: Submit the ADC

Once you have ensured your records are accurate and assessed your compliance, the next step is to submit the ADC. This should be done following the ASQA guidelines. Remember, submitting an ADC is not just a formality; it's a declaration of your commitment to maintaining high standards in vocational education and training.


Preparing for and submitting the ADC is a critical aspect of your operations as an RTO. It's about fulfilling a regulatory requirement and ensuring the highest standards of quality and compliance in your services.

The image of a hummingbird, renowned for its speed and agility, serves as a fitting parallel to the services provided by RTO Advance. RTO Advance is highly experienced in navigating the intricate world of educational training and compliance. We understand and can respond quickly to the ever-changing demands of educational regulations and client needs.

Contact Us Today for assistance in preparing your ADC. We aim to be integral to the growth and success of our clients, enabling them to develop robust training programs and maintain compliance with regulatory standards.

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